ynet - Jewish Scene

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Technical info., proposals, nominations and new services.

New services offered exclusively @ http://passaicdating.blogspot.com by invitation only.

The Rosenbaums are available for date coaching!

New posts do not get sent to all readers or authors automatically. Due to the nature of what we are doing I think people might have an anonymous e-mail identity, as well as one that maybe we know. For that reason I may re-send invitations even if you have already signed up as an author. We can have up to 100 authors on this blog.

If it is okay I thought I would post our e-mail addresses, with the phone number contacts as it was sent to me by Betzion.

However if I did that, I think I might just have it up for several days. However if we even get one public or private objection, this will not be done.

Proposal: Lets plan an informal meeting soon, perhaps even before the 9 days kicks in.
Proposal: A new section: Ask a Shyla? You can address your question to a "professional" to a Rabbi, or to all of us.
Proposal: There is a way to post an opinion poll and actually even count votes. We need about three times as many members here for such a thing to work.
Proposal: Anyone who can post, can propose, nominate, etc.

Nominations: Boruch M. who used to live in Passaic, I believe he is still "not yet married". The Pearlmutters, because they opened their home to us for our meeting, as well as having singles at their house for Shabbos meals. Denille who is also single and in Passaic.

Actions taken: An invitation was sent out to the proposed adoptive family. Shlomo was given moderator status.

Hatzlacha Rabba! Good Shabbos to all!

PS:Proposal: E-mail addresses for proposed "new members" actual Passaic singles can be sent to me for inclusion into this site without formal nomination procedures.


Proposal: Lack of objections becomes interpreted as positive permission within 24 hours or so.
Procedures on how to overthrow the creator of this blog will be forthcoming.

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