ynet - Jewish Scene

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Passaic Dating

Passaic Dating

Writers often get their inspiration from everyday activities. Partly what makes a writer, a writer is that as they experience their day they imagine how they could some up their thoughts in a nicely worded phrase, paragraph, article or story.

Today at the market. while I was checking over a dozen eggs, making sure none were cracked someone came up to me and told me that there was another bulldozer today in Israel which killed 75 people. I said the proper bracha (baruch dayan emet) and tried to focus on what else he was saying as he was moving away from me in the market.

Then a women had asked me what he had said, I told her about a bulldozer in Israel. She told me that happened a while ago. I told her he said it was another bulldozer. she told me she had not heard about etc. I went back to shopping. Then when I saw her again I had asked for her name. I told her I am relatively new to the area a BT etc. I then told her my status, meaning that I am looking to get married. She told me how there were plenty of single women in the area etc. I asked about her having guests for shabbos, and we exchanged information.

Even small things happen for reasons. As a person with a goal it is important to reach out to available networks. I had read elsewhere on a blog, that one should try to network with married couples so that they would consider you for shidduchim.

The results of a recent meeting:

1 comment:

Stephen C. Sanders said...

Thu Jul 17, 2008

Boris Gelfand email: gelfand.boris@gmail.com wrote:
Dear Gentlemen,

Thank you for joining us yesterday at the Perlmuters' home for a town hall meeting and expressing your ideas.

The ideas that were expressed can be summarized as follows:

A. Mixed events: mixed large and/or small shabbos tables,shabbatons, mixed events with facilitators.

A1. Non-mixed shabbos tables: where families in a structured way meet guys and girls and think of good matches

B. Dating workshops: communication, presentation, expectations, profile/resume.

C. Adopt a Single: local families adopt singles and provide them with companionship and guidance throughout the shidduch process and serve as their advocates no matter what.

D. YLS and Passaic shadchanim need better PR: ad in the Yeshiva Ketana guide, etc.

E. Meet the shadchan day was overall approved.

If I missed anything or you have something to add, please let me know.

I have a list and contact information of the attendees. If you do not want your information shared with other singles, please let me know, since the attendees wanted to be in touch with other singles, and I would like to distribute the list.

If you would like that others daven for you, please email your Hebrew name and your mother's Hebrew name.

Finally, my wife and I know a number of single girls. If you would like us or others help you with shidduch suggestions, please email me your profile and, if you have, your photo.

Follow up steps will be discussed separately.

Again, thank you very much for showing up last night and contributing at the open forum. May this, IY"H, lead to the events you find helpful and, ultimately, enable you find your bashert.

Good Shabbos,